الاثنين، 30 يناير 2012


There are several kinds of letters ..there is a letter we wrote to our mothers when we were like 7 years and there is
another we wrote to our teenage love when we were like 17 and there is the college letter then letters from our real love
...letters come in all the ways you can imagine ..in a paper ,an e-mail,a book even a look in someone eyes then there is a
day when all these letters just stop coming ..this day when you hope that you couldn't learn how to write one or read
another ...so you wait for one more and wait and wait but there is no letters anymore ,may be we lost the ability to write
them or lost people that we used to have their letters or may be we had lost time so there is no people and there is no
letters ....all we had left is a piece of empty white paper ,pen and lots of memories in papers in a locked box called letters 

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